Churchill Winston
Servantes Miguel
Dali Salvador
Einstain Albert
Freud Sigmund
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Napoleon I
Picasso Pablo
Richelieu Cardinal
Petr I
Nicolas II
Johann Strauss
Gates Bill
Gorbachev Mikhail
Gilles Jacob
Pope John Paul II
King of Spain Juan Carlos I
Bruce Lee
Vladimir Putin
Cousteau Jackues Yves
Fellini Federico
Kurosava Akira
Tarantino Quentin


Design studio Leo Kiri, Spain.

Studios Head-Manager: Leo G. Kirilchenko

Born: 1952, Krasnodar, Russia
High Study: Engineer - mechanic
Second High Study: Photo Journalist
Till 1992 was living and working in Sukhumi, Georgia - General Director of Soviet-British joint ventures. For Cause of War in Abkhazia Has been forced to leave the native land. At this time hi is living and working in Spain

46 World Exhibition of Innovation, researches and new technology BRUSSELS EUREKA 97: Diploma and Silver Medal – Bruxelles 11. 11. 1997
International salon of invention and innovation «ARKHIMED – 98»: Diploma and Silver Medal – Cyprus 17. 06. 1998

Corresponding member of the international academy of ecology and construction.

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Churchill | Cervantes | Dali | Einstain | Freud | Mozart | Napoleon | Picasso | Richelieu | Petr I | Nicolas II | Strauss | Gates (photo) (video) | Gorbachev (photo) | Gilles (photo) | John Paul II | Juan Carlos I (photo) | Pele | Bruce Lee | Purin (video) | Cousteau | Fellini | Kurosawa | Tarantino
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